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Privacy policy for mobile app ‘Interval Solitaire’
Datum latest changes: 1 november 2023

Interval Solitaire

  1. Interval Solitaire stores no information on your mobile device other than statistical information related to your use of the game Interval Solitaire, specifically: the number of times the game was played, number of games won/lost, shortest game won duration, least moves in a game won. No other information stored on your device is accessed or processed.
  2. Interval Solitaire does not use any method to bring this statistical information outside of your device, unless you yourself choose to share this statistical information as an image generated when using the share feature of this app in combination with the share options provided by your device.
  3. At any moment you may choose to erase the statistical information related to Interval Solitaire from your device using the appropriate methods made available by your device’s operating system.

We welcome you to get into contact with us using email, for instance to inform us about your opinions on Interval Solitaire or to share any suggestions for improvement. All information you wish to share with us by means of email, including your email address, will be treated confidently, and will only be used to adequately respond to your email or to improve the app. This information will not be shared with any third party without your explicit consent.

The security of any personal information you wish to share with us by means of email is of the highest importance to us. Be aware however that it is not possible to guarantee absolute security of any information transport using the Internet or any information storage. Using all commercially acceptable techniques we will protect the security of any personal information you wish to share with us by means of email, however it is not possible to guarantee absolute security.

Changes to this privacy policy
This privacy policy is effective from November 1st, 2023. Changes to this privacy policy will be effective immediately after being published on this page.
This privacy policy may be changed at any moment of time; you are advised to regularly consult the privacy policy status published on this page. Continuing to use the application after privacy policy changes were published on this page is understood as you being aware of the changes to this policy.
If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy we invite you to contact us using the email address published on this page.

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